Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's a twister! It's a twister!

But first, some awesome news. The doctors decided my Dad only needs to have medication to treat his cancer and not the radical surgery we were anticipating. Praise God for this. It's a true testament to God's love and grace. I've been so blessed by "long-distance" praying since both my homes have been thinking of my family. All the networkings and connections between people are just one of those things I can't even try to understand.

In other news, we had to cancel Andy's Club today because tornadoes were touching down all over the Coast. It was the first time in my life those annoying alarms on the radio weren't just tests. They were telling people to get inside, away from windows, and under something or at the very least to lay flat on the floor. Folks in trailers needed to get into a sturdy building.

Until hearing this, I was on my way to Justin's (who lives on the other side of Gulfport). As this was coming on the radio, I was turning onto highway 90 which runds along the ocean. The traffic lights were out and I couldn't separate the sky from the water. Then I turned around, called the volunteer waiting for me at the church and told her to tell anyone coming in to go back home while their parents were still there. When I got there, there was already 3 feet of water in the parking lot. Yikes! Then I went home and hoped the windows wouldn't blow in in our little plastic, fake house. Gracie (a weird-MS weather expert) told me I probably didn't need to hide in my bathtub. I wasn't sure.

This was definitely the craziest weather I've ever experienced. From what I've heard, the weather has been crazy like this since Katrina. I'm not sure how that works, but I believe them.

Here are two choice quotes from Tuesday's Andy's Club:

"Why are your teeth yellow?" Zach to me while I was disciplining him.

"Your thighs are fatter than mine." Tatalyah, a second grader to me.

What cute kids huh?


Anonymous said...

Good news about your Dad, Brenna!!

Stay safe with all of that bad weather....We ran the story about the tornadoes on the news today at 5 and 10 - it was too bad to hear that some people lost their lives in it.....

St. Casserole said...

So glad about your Dad!
Great news!

Glad you won the stuffie!
Glad that wierd weather passed!
Glad you are here on the Coast!