Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Heat is on

Things are better. Not perfect but better. I'm trying to sail through the last 14 weeks here smoothly and without drama. That's all I have to say about that.

I had an awesome day off last Wednesday. I took this crazy drive in LA where I saw unmarked plantation homes that seem like they should be in the Smithsonian, ancient oak trees and lots of old-school tin roofed houses. I loved it.

This weekend was great as well. I had bitter-sweet sentiments about finishing the show at Gulfport Little Theater. On the one hand, I now have my life back, but on the other, my heart is breaking because I won't see those kids again. There were lots of tears and the realization that I might have made a bigger impact than I originally thought. To me this is what hope and recovery look like. Kids doing awesome things. I loved it.

There is a new permanent person helping at Andy's Club. She is amazing and takes alot off my shoulders. Also, she's a professional willing to work for almost nothing. I am constantly thanking God for her.

It's a million degrees here. I feel like I'm melting all the time. I love it.

I think I'm going to watch bull riding this weekend at the coliseum. Hmm...

1 comment:

Linda said...

bull riding?? hmmm...