Friday, December 08, 2006

She's Got Style, She's Got Grace, She's a Winner

So I think I jinxed myself in the last blog by saying how much I was enjoying working with the kids. I definitely didn't this week. I was alone on Tuesday with no help and found out that one kid has been lying to me, his grandma, and his teacher about homework. So we're working on that. Being somewhat of a nerdy kid in my day, I don't understand how it takes 45 minutes to copy 5 definitions. He's definitely not incapable since he gets A's on tests, he just can't do that sort of thing, I think he's too creative (his teacher said lazy, which I think is harsh especially since her homework is boring and uncreative). In all these conversations I'm constantly affirming myself that I'm capable because I do not like making these sorts of calls. I feel like the teacher would just be like "who's this kid to ask me about my work?"

A really amazing thing happened on Wednesday this week. I went to have a meeting with Pastor Scott. Here's basically what happened:

B: "Scott, I'm thinking Andy's Club would be too intense to carry on with in the summer. I was thinking vaguely about Vacation Bible School. What do you think?"

PS: "Well, its funny you should mention that. There was a church here in the summer from Iowa that wanted to basically do a VBS for us- write curriculum, send people, the whole deal. But I haven't talked to the guy in a couple months so I don't know what their plans are."

B: "Ok do you have contact info for the pastor?"

Following this there was 5 minutes of Scott looking in drawers and explaining why he didn't have his palm pilot on him.

B: "I'm sure we could just look it up online."

S: "Ok, yeah." He starts looking, finds it, starts reading it to me when his phone rings.

S: "Hello?...Hey!! This is so funny because I have a young woman sitting here who wants to do a VBS and I was telling her about you guys...are you still feeling that way?..." This goes on for a while, he gets dates of the program including when we would need to fly there for an interview. "Ok so all we need to do is get kids and the space ready?...Sounds great...Ok bye. Brenna, were you taking notes?"

Of course I was. This is very exciting since its the first time this church has had anything like that and the first time I'm doing anything close to VBS. Also, its one of the first times something here has been created that easily. God said let there be VBS and it was so.

Its come to my attention that I have people reading the blog that I didn't know were aware of it. I'm going to try to keep it "Style a la Brenna" but I may have to edit some of the crazy.

Also, I am full on MAD about the weather here. Its going to be in the 20s tonight. NOT OK. I guess it won't be as much of a shock to my system when I come home in two weeks.

Lots of love!

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