Friday, December 29, 2006

"It was...soap poisoning!"

Bonus points to anyone who knows what movie that quote is from.

I've been home now for a very busy week. Being home is not as strange as I thought it would be. I easily fell right back into a routine. I think I've managed to see everyone I've ever known sometime this week, which is great but hasn't left much time for personal things. I'm a little worried about all the work ahead when I go back to MS.

Sunday was a great day. At church I gave a presentation on all the work I've been doing this year in an attempt to solicit some donations. I think people were moved over all, I just hope they stay motivated to help.

Tuesday night I had a brief interview with the Session of our church. This is more of a formality than anything, but good practice for me in terms of discussing my faith and calling. In the PC(USA), this is one small step of many on the road to becoming ordained. Still, I'm trying to look at it positively instead of feeling overwhelmed.

But...I am really feeling overwhelmed. There's alot of work ahead, and I'm worried about not remaining completely present while working in MS. For instance, I might become more concerned about applying for scholarships or planning some meetings I have to take care of up here or starting seminary. I'm praying that I'll be able to manage all of this.

In my next post, I want to talk about an awesome BBQ experience we had last week. I have pictures! I just can't seem to get everything working together at the same time.

Lastly, I'm missing MS and my roommates more than I thought I would (they will love to hear this). Not that I thought I wouldn't miss them at all, but I'm just realizing the comfort of a group of people all being on the same page and as much as I sometimes hate that everyone knows everyone else's business, its relieving in a way. There's less explanation needed.

Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Erin said...

A Christmas Story, of course! The soap made him blind. Ooooohhhhh.

Happy New Year B! I'll see you at the airport. Love ya!

PS- WE MISS YOU LOTS TOO! Hurry up and get that booty back here.