So I just need to share a really cool thing that just happened. I'm not sure that anyone will get it...maybe big brother Bryan, but nevertheless I'll tell you. I was on my weekly perusal of the Blues Traveler website (if you don't know I am out of control obsessed with this band, i know their history, all the songs, and am currently contemplating a tatoo of their symbol the black cat, and generally refer to bassist Tad Kinchla as my boyfriend and John Popper as God...but I digress) when I found that Gina (who I'll explain in a minute) was accepting e-mails for the top 5 BT songs for a new acoustic album. If the thoughts of an acoustic album weren't enough, I may have a hand in picking the songs!
Now, Gina. In BT lore, Gina was one of the earliest most steadfast fans. She eventually turned into something of a "Head Groupie" and began generating alot of publicity for the band. Now she runs the website, mailing list, etc. Also, and probably more importantly, she is the namesake of one of the band's earliest Nirvana moments in the form of music. The song, Gina, is a dedication of appreciation from the band, so for true traveler fans, she's almost as big as the band.
Ok so I write my e-mail with these songs (which you should download if you are new to Traveler)
1. Optimistic Thought
2. Mountains Win Again
3. Go Outside and Drive
4. Thinnest of Air
5. Girl inside my head
Now I didn't expect to hear anything back from Gina, assuming that there were probably millions of submisions and if I was Gina I wouldn't want to open the doors for dialogue with crazy fans like me. Maybe at the most I could expect a form letter like "Thanks we got your songs."
But NO!
Here is the e-mail:
Hi Brenna,Thanks for taking the time to send in these wonderful song picks...hope to have an update for you all soon...Gina
Short and sweet I know but note two key things: First she used my name! Yesss!!! and secondly she said my picks were wonderful. Gina approves of my choices!
This has made my week.
Lots of Love
"With things, there is a way..." John Popper