Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Welcome to my blog!

Where to start? For those of you new to my adventures, I'm living in MS for a year doing volunteer work. This blog is an attempt to keep everyone updated while also maintaining the essence of Brenna. Expect my usual sassy self.

Some things I am loving about Gulfport and my life:
The weather-its always warm!
The people- super friendly and thankful for our presence.
Food- Everything is spicy, just how like it and who knew fried shrimp was so delicious?
Football- Everyone loooves it. I hope you all saw that Saints/Falcons game.
My job- Creating an after-school program is proving to be just the challenge I was looking for.
My living situation- Fabulous roommates and I can feel free to express my faith on a daily basis. Great theological discussions.

Some cons:

The weather-Will it ever be cold? I miss my sweaters! Also have these people heard of opening windows? I swear all the energy of the world gets sucked to the air conditioners of Mississippi.
The people- Seriously you do not need my life story within the first five minutes of meeting me. Also, its apparently NOT acceptable that I roam around unescorted by a man. I've had several uncomfortable experiences due to that ideology.
Food- I unfortunately learned the hard way that the vein in a shrimp is really its poop chute. Yeah I'm done with uncleaned shrimp for a while.
Football- I'm trying hard, but I think if I have to watch another game I might scream, except aren't the Giants playing this weekend? Ok one more.
My Job- I'm not actually working with kids yet and I'm learning that in the South it takes a long time to get a call back.
My living situation- Our current situation allows for many strangers to walk through our space which is very uncomfortable for me. Also, my office is the next door down from my bedroom. I get very confused about when I'm working and when I'm not. I am also unfortunately a professional cockroach killer at this point.

The picture above is from our retreat to New Mexico. We got to meet all the Young Adult Volunteers (the program I'm working through) from across the country and see what they're up to. It was a great time for me to worship and meet lots of other kids who are both liberal and religious. We did lots of hiking, although I freaked out on the really big trail, and had an awesome bonfire the last night. At said bonfire, I was quite proud of the way I knew the words to all the "classics" such as Free Bird, Hotel California and House of the Rising Sun, but then equally shamed when I didn't know any of the christian songs. Oh well, those along with, sadly, many books of the bible, I am determined to get to know better.

Say prayers or think happy thoughts for me, more to come soon!

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

I am so excited you started a blog! It is a great way to communicate to a group of people. Make sure you post lots of pictures. And all your friends back here on the East Coast know you can hold your own without no man...
